
Shaon Sen

Name: Dr.Varalaxmi Seeram M

Designation: Associate Professor

Functional Area: Technology Management, Data Analytics , Green HRM

Email Id: [email protected]

  • Dr. Varalaxmi Seeram M. is a renowned resource person in the field of Technology Management, Sustainability, Data Analytics and Green HRM for Sustainable Development. With a strong academic background and extensive industry experience, Dr. Varalaxmi brings a unique blend of knowledge and practical insights to her sessions and presentations. She has a diverse research portfolio and has published several papers and book chapters in her areas of expertise. With her virtuosity in communication, collaboration, and critical thinking, she has made significant contributions to the field of Technology Management.
    Dr.Varalaxmi's passion for sustainability and green practices has led her to explore innovative approaches for integrating sustainability principles into HRM strategies.

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Teaching & Research Interests
Awards and Honors
Teaching Interests
Research Interests

ICT , DBMS and Datawarehousing, Business Analytics, HR Analytics

Technology Management, Green HRM , Sustainability

Journal Papers
Conference Presentations

  1. Varalaxmi Seeram, 2017, “Human Development vs Human Resources Development” Jamshedpur Research review, ISSN : 2320-2750, Vol 5, Issue 23

  2. Varalaxmi Seeram, 2017, “MAHATMA AS A GUIDE AND PHILOSOPHER FOR EVERY HR PROFESSIONAL FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITIES AND SUSTAINABILITY" , Journal Gandhian Vision (International Journal of Peace and Gandhian studies) with ISSN No: 2393- 9486.

  3. Varalaxmi Seeram M, Prof T Subbarayudu, 2017, “ Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development: HR Perspective”, International Journal of Academic Research, ISSN: 2348-7666, Vol 4, Issue 1(1), Jan 2017 , Impact Factor: 4.535

  4. B Lakshman Rao, Varalaxmi Seeram & Prof.T. Subbarayudu , 2017,“ THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE SYSTEM TO AN ORGANIZATION”, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume -4, Issue 1(1), January 2017, Impact Factor: 4.535

  5. B Lakshman Rao, Varalaxmi Seeram & Prof.T. Subbarayudu , 2016,“Overview of Critical Components of Human Resources Training : HR Perspective”, Volume 5, Issue 12(1), December 2016, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN : 2277 – 7881 , International Scientific Indexing Value : 2.286 IMPACT FACTOR : 4.527 Index Copernicus Value: 5.16

  6. B Lakshman Rao, Varalaxmi Seeram & Prof.T. Subbarayudu , 2016, “Human Resource Management in the Workforce Effectiveness: A Conceptual Study” , Volume 5, Issue 11(3), November 2016, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN : 2277 – 7881, International Scientific Indexing Value : 2.286 IMPACT FACTOR : 4.527 Index Copernicus Value: 5.16


  8. M.Varalaxmi Seeram,2020, “ Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Economy with reference to Utilization of Resources efficiently by individuals, Recent trends in Indian Economy, IJAR.org, ISBN 978-81-946236-7-0

  1. Varalaxmi Seeram,2019,”Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education Sector in promoting Empowerment to shape sustainable societies with a special focus on SDGs 4 and 5.b”, Chapter in the book “Challenges in Higher Education” by Prof Nimma Venkata Rao, 2019, ISBN : 978-93-85991-90-5

  2. V.Tirupathi Rao,Varalaxmi Seeram & Prof T Subbarayudu, 2017, “A Study on Communication of Gandhian ideas for Human Development”, Gandhi and Rural Development , Prudhvi Publishers

  3. Varalaxmi Seeram, 2017, “Gandhian way of Conflict Resolution in PPP environment in Port Sector:An Empirical study” , Gandhian Philosophy – It’s Relevance Today, Prudhvi Publishers, with ISBN No: 9788193 337035.

  1. Presented a paper on “ Appropriate Technology for Elderly - A way to Sustainable Living” at National seminar at CSSIEP, AU, November 2022

  2. Substantially Presented paper virtually entitled, “Strategic role of HR in Organizational Innovation for Development” in 2020 INTERNATIONAL eCONFERECE INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA : ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND WAY FORWARD organized on 08 MAY 2020 on WebEx Platform by Innovation Society India in association with Amity College - Florida (USA), International Association of Research Scholars (IARS), Nirmal Integrated Consultancy (Team-NIC), WAIMS, and Business Press India

  3. Presented a paper entitled, “Be the Change Initiative : How HR can be a change agent in promoting Inclusive Development with a special reference to United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 8” , in the National Seminar on “ Child Labor Eradication and Inclusive Development” , organized by Dept of HRM & Center for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 4th March, 2020.

  4. Presented a paper entitled, “Tech-enabled HR for Sustainable Development : How HR can harness a Green Workplace to Use Resources Efficiently, Being Environmentally Sensitive, Socially Responsible”, in the three day Intl’ Conference on Operations Research and Decision Sciences ICORDS 2019 , organized by IIM Visakhapatnam 28th , 29th and 30th December, 2019.

  5. Breakout session presenter at the Transforming Education Conference for Humanity Tech 2019 - December 10-12, 2019 in Visakhapatnam, India. Attended three pre-conference workshops as part of the TECH 2019 conference. Presented a paper on “ Role of Artificial Intelligence in promoting overall Empowerment”.

  6. Presented a paper entitled, ”Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education Sector in promoting Empowerment to shape sustainable societies with a special focus on SDGs 4 and 5.b”, in the two-day Seminar on “National Education Policy-2019: The Context and challenges”, organized by Dept of Education, AU, Visakhapatnam on 29th and 30th Sept, 2019.

  7. Presented a session on “Sustainable Development Goals 2030” during participation in the 5 day Faculty Development Programme on “Rural Immersion and Community Engagement” held from 22nd to 26th August 2019, organized by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural education, Hyd and Dept of Higher Education, MHRD, Govt of India, in collaboration with Dept of Political Science & Public Administration, AU, Visakhapatnam.

  8. Participated in a two days National Seminar on “ Emerging Analytics of Industrial Relations” organized by Dept of HRM, Andhra University ,Visakhapatnam on 15th and 16th Feb 2019 and presented a paper on “The impact of emerging technologies on IR – A special focus of UN Sustainable Development Goal 8”.

  9. Presented a paper on “CSR initiatives and Sustainability Report” in the CSR Conclave 2018 on 22nd November 2019, initiated by Stratatrix Business Solutions Pvt Ltd at Visakhapatnam with large number of corporations, civil society organizations and management institutions meeting at one platform for a common goal, the goal for inclusive growth and with a belief that these efforts can make Vizag a truly a “Vibrant Vizag” while meeting the social needs through effective CSR implementation.

  10. Participated as a Breakout session presenter at the Transforming Education Conference for Humanity Tech 2018 from November 15-17, 2018 in Visakhapatnam, India. Attended three pre-conference workshops as part of the TECH 2018 conference. Presented a paper on “ Five cool ways kids learn with Science Utsav STEM programme”.

  11. Presented a paper on, “Communication skills for workplace success” in the National Seminar on “HR Excellence through Personality development” , organized by Dept pf HRM, AU - 31st March 2018.

  12. Presented a paper on “Facets of Women Startup Programmes” in the UGC National Seminar on Women and Technology, organized by Dr Durgabai Deshmukh Center for Women’s Studies, AU on 31st March 2018

  13. Presented a paper on “Women Entrepreneurs and Facets of Startup programmes” in the National seminar on Financial Imperatives for Women Entrepreneurs in Coastal Corridor of AP, organized by Dept of Commerce and Management Studies, AU on28th March 2018.

  14. Presented a paper entitled, “A Study on Communication of Gandhian Ideas for Human Development” in the National Symposium on Gandhian Approach to Rural Development & Communication, held on 31st July 2017 organized by Gandhian Studies Center and Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication, Andhra University.

  15. Presented a paper entitled, “Role of Individuals in Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development: HR Perspective” in the National Seminar on Environment, Urbanization and Bio-Resources Management (NS-EUBRM0 - June 28-30,2017. Organized by Dept of Environmental Sciences, Andhra University.

  16. Presented a paper in the National Symposium held on 26th March 2017 at Gandhian Studies Center, AU, entitled, “ Gandhian Way of Conflict Resolution in Public Private Partnership in Port Sector: An Empirical Study”.

  17. Presented a paper on “Differently-abled Workforce and Sustainable Development” in a National Seminar on Inclusion of the Socially Excluded: Role of Tri-sector from 24th to 25th March, 2017, organized by Department of Social Work, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, under UGC-DSA programme.

  18. Presented a paper in the two day National Seminar on “ CSR in India: Strategies for Inclusive Development” (17th and 18th March 2017), organized by DCMS and CSSEIP, AU, sponsored by APSCHE, UGC-SAP, Dept of Commerce and Management Studies, AU & UGC, New Delhi on the topic “ CSR in India towards Sustainable Development : A study on VPT”.

  19. Presented a paper on Cultural Sustainability entitled, “Differently-abled Workforce and Inclusive Talent Acquisition Towards Cultural Sustainability” in the International Symposium on Social Business for Sustainable Development(SBSD-2017) held during 5-7 January, 2017 organized by the Andhra University, AP, India , in association with Yunus Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  20. Presented a paper entitled, “Environmental Management System and Sustainable Development: A Study of selected Organizations in Visakhapatnam, AP in Int’l Conference on Green Trends in Environmental Sustainability – ICGTES 2016, held on 16th and 17th December 2016, Organized by St.Ann’s College for Women, Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyd, Telangana, India

  21. Presented a paper entitled, “The Role Of HR Practitioners in Green HRM for Sustainable Development in Port Sector with a special Reference to Visakhapatnam Port Trust” during the Int’l Conference on “Transforming Emerging Economies through Sustainability and Innovations in Businesses”, organized by Institute of Management, Christ University, Benguluru, in collaboration with Master Sustainable Development and Organizations, Paris-Dauphine University, France, held on 8th and 9th November 2016.

  22. Participated and presented a paper entitled, “Mahatma as a Guide and Philosopher for every HR professional” in the Two-Day UGC-National Seminar “Gandhi and Management” at Gandhian Studies Center, Andhra University , on 02-03,October 2016.

  23. Participated and presented a paper entitled, “Contract Labor in Organized Port Sector” in the Two-Day National Level Workshop on “COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT OF CONTRCT LABOUR” organized by the Department of HRM, AU on 18th and 19th December 2015.

  24. Participated and presented a paper on “Empowerment of the Unorganized : A perspective view” at the XXXVIII Indian Social Science Congress held from March 29 –April 02,2015 at AU, Visakhapatnam.

Awards and Honors

1. Best paper presentation award at TECH 2019 with cash prize of Rs 10,000/- for the paper “ Role of Artificial Intelligence in promoting overall Empowerment”.
2. Runner up of HRSuccessTalk eminent Women in HR 2020.


A market analysis studies the attractiveness and the dynamics of a special market within a special industry. It is part of the industry analysis and thus in turn of the global environmental analysis. Through all of these analyses, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of a company can be identified. Finally, with the help of a SWOT analysis, adequate business strategies of a company will be defined

Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle, though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development.